Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Full Name: *Phone *Email *Date of Birth *Address *CityZipGender (as shown on insurance documents) *FemaleMaleAre you a new client to NCC? *YesNoINSURANCE PROVIDER: *Insurance Plan: *Insurance Member ID Number: *Insured/subscribers name: (or state 'self') *Relationship to insured (or state 'self') *Date of Birth of Insured (or state 'self') *ARE WE RIGHT FOR YOU: *YesNoAre you on psychiatric medication?If yes, what medications are you currently taking?Do you have any history of drug or alcohol abuse? *YesNoHave you been previously psychiatrically hospitalized? *YesNoAre you presently suicidal? *YesNoDo you think of hurting yourself? *YesNoAPPOINTMENT PREFERENCE:First ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird ChoicePlease let us know your preferences for your appointment below.What is your preferred days for an appointment? Day or Evening? *When is the best time to call you in regard to making an appointment? *AMPMAnytimeReason for your Appointment?(ie. Depression, Family conflict etc) This question is optional and confidential. It will help us connect you with the therapist most suited to your needs.I agree to the NCC terms and conditions. NCC will not share your information with any 3rd party entities. *I agreeSubmit